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mercredi 13 juin 2018

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By Timothy Lewis

T-shirts can be viewed in one of two ways. The first is as a means of keeping the body covered and perhaps looking good at the same time, while the other method is to used this undiscerning garment as a means to promote a brand or a business, without shoving it down people s throats. And yet, if done right it can be very effective but some important decisions need to be taken about the t shirt transfers designs before anything else.

The first and most common method to print t-shirts is through the use of a screen printer. This can be done and is accessible from small business owner to large-scale, professional t-shirt printers. Although the method itself is inexpensive, it does grow with alongside the type of printer used and could be unnecessarily expensive if the printer used is for 2 t-shirts for example.

For mass produced products it is usually the type of printing to root for but it does require more dedication and time in order to master before the doors can be opened for people looking to print their custom shirts.

The direct to garment technique. This is a different beast altogether and requires whatever is being transferred to be printed directly onto the garment, like a blank t-shirt for example. This t-shirt printing method is great for professional looking finished products and makes the cost of creating them really cheap. Especially when you consider the fact that it can print in a wide variety of colors.

A great way to print t-shirts at home is through the use of what is known as the Heat transfer Paper method. As the name implies, it s through the use of transfer paper, which can be bought from any retailer and then use a printer in order to print the design that one would use on their custom t-shirt.

Closely, linked to that, is the style s inability to reproduce colors accurately at a rate that would make it viable for the mass printing of t-shirts.

The disadvantage of using heat press is that it takes a long time and therefore, it s not recommended for mass printing. Also, the method is only ideal for those who intend on creating and printing material that is in a light color, which means there s a limitation on what can be printed. The biggest disadvantage, however, is that due to the manner in which the t-shirts are customized, heat sensitive garments cannot be used to make custom t-shirts.

All in all, these are just three of many methods in which a person or business can use to print custom t-shirts and use for advertising purposes for example. Each method has its advantages and disadvantages and therefore, it s important to evaluate one s needs before making a commitment. Taking into consideration, the time needed to create one garment, design and the colors used depending on the aforementioned needs, some methods work better than others.

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