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mardi 8 août 2017

Info Post
By Kevin Walker

Everyone knows that music is all about emotional expression, and particularly for people whose instruments are their vocal cords, they must be able to connect emotionally with what is going on in the music. A voice artist is able to connect on a very deep emotional level with what is being sung to create a deeper sort of experience. This is doing much more than what some singers do, which is just read notes off of a page.

A lot of times, singers end up in certain bands or playing the same kind of gigs where they are seen and expected to act a certain way. These people are influenced by their genre and what people will pay them the most money to do and thus are not true artists. People who are really into vocal artistry will look inside themselves for the best, purest source of inspiration.

In order to practice this magnificent art form safely and effectively, it is highly important to deal with any vocal tension that you may be experiencing without even realizing it. This can happen if you ever strain the voice by singing outside of your range or not taking the time to do a proper warm up session. The techniques learned when you are studying this artistry can be highly beneficial for anyone suffering from these issues.

The voice box is truly an incredible thing no matter how you look at it. A lot of people say that they can't sing, but they should know that the voice box actually comes equipped with everything you need to sing great. All it takes is proper training for you to be singing like a pro.

The face, jaw, neck, tongue, and throat all have one thing in common: they are all prone to getting tight and throwing off our singing performance. In order to use the voice box effectively, these are the areas where tension must be released. Vocal exercises and stretches are a great way to counter this tension.

It is common knowledge for most people who practice the art of singing that our voices are separated into two parts. These include the chest and the head voices, also known as falsetto. While most people have a tendency to favor one and neglect the other, the true artists can jump between the two how ever the spirit moves them to.

If you have ever been a teenager, like all of us have, you have probably experienced what it is like to be afraid of ridicule. It can take people years to recover from the agony of the public school system and finally start to come out of their shell and feel free to be themselves. A lot of people are afraid to sing in a different way because of what people might say, but it can open up your world.

A lot of people seem to think stage presence is just jumping around on a stage shirtless and getting everybody pumped up. There are actual vocal ways you can energize people as well. The true artists know this, and by seeking out the right teacher or information, you can become one.

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