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jeudi 28 mai 2015

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By Katie Onson

What are some of the most common ways to teach yourself how to play an instrument? More often than not, you will try to get a tutor, as this individual will be able to help walk you through a number of steps. With that said, though, it's not like this is the only way to be taught, as Sonny's Pianos will attest to. As a matter of fact, here are 3 of the biggest benefits that can come from teaching yourself how to play such an intricate yet rewarding instrument.

One of the benefits of being a self-taught musician, according to Sonny's Pianos, is that you have the ability to learn whatever you'd like. When you're learning under someone else, it's likely that you will be confined to certain styles. Even if you like the styles in question, you may desire more variety, which isn't the easiest component to go by. This is where teaching yourself can come in handy, though it is far from the only benefit to consider.

It's also important to note that this will allow to pick up different skills. Suffice it to say, when you teach yourself, you run the risk of missing out on different pieces of knowledge. However, I would make the argument that this gives you all the more reason to learn. From out of nowhere, you can pick up on a relevant skill that you may not have expected. To say that your knowledge will be limited, on the piano-playing side of things, would be an understatement.

It's also very easy to entertain people, as a self-taught pianist. You have the ability to become the center of attention at a number of parties, which is great when things start to slow down. Simply sitting at the piano and playing a couple of simple tunes can help. Not only do you have the ability to exercise your knowledge, but the fact that you can keep others entertained, even for a short while, is a point that cannot be disputed by the likes of Sonny's Pianos & Sonny Stancarone.

If you want to talk about the reasons why to become a self-taught piano player, the benefits discussed earlier should not be overlooked. As a matter of fact, they are essential to becoming a more refined musician, regardless of the style you find yourself gravitating to the most. There's also the rewarding sense of self that comes with accomplishing something on your own. It's okay to be proud of your work, especially in the musical sense.

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