Breaking News
jeudi 28 mai 2015

Info Post
By Tammie Caldwell

In this day of wars in the Middle East and North Africa, propaganda is still the favored tool of the ruling class. By controlling the flow of information, they can control the opinions of many people within society. Most people think newspapers or television when they hear the word propaganda, but it is just as easy to fit altered or biased information in a counter terrorism fiction novel.

While the earliest examples of propaganda were actually spread during the age of Rome, modern propaganda included everything from fliers dropped by airplanes to radio broadcasts from top world leaders. Adolph Hitler recognized and utilized the power of radio in order to spread the message of the Nazi Party. Many Germans sat huddled around their radios hanging on to his every word.

Hitler also utilized the medium of television media, and there were many movies coming out of Germany at that time which spread the Nazi idealism as well. His voice reached further than the borders of Germany. The Olympic Games gave him a world-wide audience where he was able to deliver an emotional speech.

With this power to reach large numbers, Hitler was able to stage the fire which sparked his initial attack on Poland. This was done as an act of internal vandalism wherein his own men started the fire, and it was blamed on a mentally handicapped Jewish man. This style of provocateur is now universally known as a false flag attack.

Only twenty years later the Americans were able to utilize the same tactics in order to get the American people behind a war on the communists in Vietnam. Although there was a great deal of opposition to that war, the media by and large hid the truth. By blaming the communists in Vietnam for the sinking of a ship, and claiming that ship belonged to the American Navy, most Americans over the age of 35 were in alignment with the purpose of that war.

It is also true, however, that many Americans learned from that experience, and claim that the attacks on the World Trade Center were also a False Flag. A great deal of evidence has been presented to support that argument. However, a wary investigator must also acknowledge that the opposition may also provide erroneous information, as governments do love to control the opposition.

Anyone paying attention, however, knows that the powers that be often control both sides of the argument. The propaganda machine has to be oiled in more than one direction in order for it to maintain silence and stealth. The perspective of the 9-11 Truth Movement allows opposition which hides the fact that opinions are still being molded without our knowledge.

Regardless of where the truth lies, one should always read books, newspapers, periodicals, or anything else with a grain of salt. It is not always easy to be discerning when so much information is pelted at the American people each day. However, when one asks themselves who benefits from an event, follows the money trail, and tries to remain objective; they often find the truth always lies somewhere in the middle.

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