Breaking News
dimanche 11 mars 2018

Info Post
By Amy Myers

If you have long desired to escape the dog-eat-dog world that is the modern society, a weekend spent at a local spiritual retreat would probably do wonders in terms of bringing you back in touch with nature. There, you would have all the me-time required to bring you back into harmony with yourself and wear a spiritual t shirts online. While also getting to spend time with others of similar aspirations.

But the most common objection voiced by those unfamiliar with subjective spirituality (also known as gnosis; the acquisition of the first-hand experience) is that most holy practices are pagan in nature, and therefore, in conflict with their religious beliefs. Yet, there is no dogma involved in an action; every action is neutral, neither good nor bad, but rather, it is the intention behind it that separates a constructive act from a destructive one. Energy follows thought, as they say.

Modern living takes a heavy toll on the bodies and minds of even the most well-adjusted urbanites. On a daily basis, people living in cities are exposed to a number of factors that, over time, tend to negatively impact their health. Everything from air pollution to modern diets consisting mainly of processed foods to having to sit in traffic for hours while emergency services clear away debris left in the wake of the latest traffic collision relatively harmless on their own, but a combination of these factors leave you shaken and stirred until there is that fatal cocktail of stress hormones; adrenaline and cortisol proven to reduce learning and memory ability rushing through your veins on a daily basis.

And when three-quarters of all visits to the physicians office are on account of the psychological strain being placed on people by having to adjust to living in high-pressure environments, and considering the direct correlation found between inhabiting said environments with the physical and mental illnesses that soon follow, it is little wonder many people have been discovering, and treasuring, the gentler approach to life engendered at most spiritual getaways.

Desiring more organic solutions to stress-induced health complications, people have been adopting more traditional (read: holistic) approaches to rest and recreation. After numerous studies indicating how mental health directly influences bodily health, more people than ever have begun taking an active interest in developing healthier mental habits in curbing their physical afflictions. Mind over matter has become the catchphrase of the 21st Century.

Many are disheartened upon learning that the downside to taking medication is usually the development of further illnesses as their bodies react negatively to many of the chemical compounds used in the production of medicine. So, what was meant to heal actually holds the potential to kill. But as people became aware of the existence of many religious practices of health-based entirely on non-invasive methods, they have been flocking to learn their secrets ever since.

Inner silence is the key to, and the ultimate goal of, most of what is learned at a retreat. Learning to quiet your mind of its incessant casting of judgments on everyone, and everything is the healing balm that ultimately soothes your soul (inner self) back into healthy alignment with the peace and prosperity which is the birthright of every person.

A retreat offers a much more accessible solution to those seeking to aspire to that much-desired state of inner peace, supposedly only achieved by those having reached the apex of pure peak experiences. In reality, developing the habit of putting aside a mere ten minutes a day for religious practices like meditation can have a profound effect in developing a person's capacity for single-mindedness (the ability to focus on something to the exclusion of all else). And, while hardly as profound as the highly touted states of inner peace or enlightenment, gaining the ability to simply focus on a given task without being side-tracked by any distractions is enough to entice most people to take up, and become consistent with, a meditative practice of some sort.

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