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mercredi 2 juillet 2014

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By Rosella Campbell

Women have colored the art and musical scene from one generation to the other. Their contribution in the development of arts and music in particular cannot be overlooked. It spans from generation to the other and is notable in every community. This makes the tale of women and music art interesting to read. The roles they have played in this endeavor include directing, singing, composing and managing other artists.

Geographical distribution places them in minority groups with few outstanding performers. They have received support from individuals and institutions to better their performance and raise their musical prowess. This has been crucial in promoting talent among female singers and performers.

Social dialogue has been shaped by arts done or influenced by women for centuries. They have entertained generations and societies with a notable mastery of certain contexts and themes better than their male counterparts. Their performances in front of crowds, royalties and guests dates back to centuries. They present unique perspectives, sounds and style that are endearing to crowds. This form of presentation can only be done by female voices.

Common themes for female performers include motivation, love and social justice. This is a distinct preserve that makes them better performers. The feminine way of expressing these themes endears the performers to their fans and audience. They have inspired male artists by being their lovers, daughters, parents or relatives. This goes into record as a dimension of influence.

The challenge for pundits is how to consider a female singer as excellent without the affirmative approach that she is a woman. This challenge has seen many of them face unfair comparisons and been considered as better because they are women. This is likely to conceal the real talent and motivation.

Organizations promoting female artists have emerged in order to help in bridging the gap. They help female artists to record their music and promote their songs through concerts and dedicated events. This trend has facilitated many singers in their endeavor to make a breakthrough in the world stage. This kind of exposure is critical in the musical scene.

Charity work using musical talent has seen many female singers make a worthy contribution which goes into raising their profile. They have participated in fund raisers and charity campaigns to assist famine stricken groups, those faced by floods and others affected by natural calamities. Using their talents to perform such activities has helped raise their profile.

Women composers have provided excellent pieces of classical music for concerts and other performance occasions. Performing theaters have witnessed incredible female representation and influence. Their approach, style and musical taste is unique. Their collaborations have produced incredible melodies and helped to increase acceptance.

The regard for female composers is slightly lower compared to that of their male counterparts. The gender gap or disparity runs across all fields of art. The era of performance varies with an apparent higher threshold for women. Though this has been a discouragement, it has not stopped women from outsmarting their male counterparts in other areas.

Outstanding performers in the composition category include Amy Marcy, Clara Schumann, Hildegard of Bingen and Cecile Chaminade. These composers are drawn from different nations and represent different eras. Their style and approach is distinctive.

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